AC Vent & Duct Cleaning San Antonio, TX

Do you need to schedule air duct cleaning for your home in San Antonio & Surrounding areas? If you can’t remember the last time you had a duct cleaning – or if you never have – then you may be breathing air that’s more polluted than the air outside your home! Over time, the dust, pet hair and dander, and debris in your home accumulate in your air ducts. And, when you operate your home’s furnace or air conditioner, it pulls in air from outside, which can contain pollen, debris, and other contaminants. All of these collect in your ducts; each time you run your HVAC system, they get re-circulated in your home. Eventually, the air inside your house could be up to FIVE times more polluted than the air outside, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


1500 SF Home or Less $625.00

1501-2000SF Home $825.00

2501-3000 SF Home $950.00

3001-3500 SF Home $1350.00

3501-4000 SF Home $1500.00

Not so fine print: Add $75 if you have more than one AC Unit. The prices can vary a bit depending on your home but no more than 5%.

Contact us below for a cal lback with additional information or schedule on line using the blue button to the right.

Watch this video for details on the servcie.

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