AC Vent & Air Duct Cleaning San Antonio, TX
Thank you for considering our air duct cleaning services. We take pride in offering a unique process and transparent pricing structure that sets us apart from the competition. Our pricing is based on the square footage of your home, with flat rates that ensure there are no hidden charges or surprises. Our cleaning method utilizes a negative air machine along with an agitation rod system, providing a thorough and effective clean for your air ducts. We begin by setting up the negative air machine on your return, then proceed to clean each register, ensuring that the entire duct system is cleaned all the way to the air source. This comprehensive process typically takes between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the size of your home. While many companies may advertise enticing special prices, we believe in delivering quality service that reflects the value of your investment. Your home is often one of the most significant investments you will make, and we are committed to providing a high-quality and productive service that meets your needs. Thank you for trusting us with your air duct cleaning; we look forward to serving you.
1500 SF Home or Less $625.00
1501-2000SF Home $825.00
2001-2500SF Home $950.00
2501-3000 SF Home $1175.00
3001-3500 SF Home $1350.00
3501-4000 SF Home $1500.00
Not so fine print: Add $75 if you have more than one AC Unit. The prices can vary a bit depending on your home but no more than 5%.